Thursday, December 31, 2009

My Blog Resolution

So I'm going to blog again. I think most people that blog are somewhat fickle about it, or at least they go through phases. When I get tired of blogging I just delete the blog completely. I have resolved to blog again and let it stand the test of time. My blog resolution is as follows:

-I will not blog during work. *
-I will not blog when I am home and my kids are awake.
-I will not blog when I have ward clerk stuff to do.
-Inspired by my FB friend Jeannie I will be more optimistic and positive in what I write.
-I will try to not be narcissistic in my posts. That being said; I do think highly of my opinion, hence the blog.
-And finally, I won't not worry to much about grammar and speling.

*While the date of my post may reflect a work hour it will represent when the piece was posted not written.


Kristi said...

Can't wait! Those are great rules, and I have to say a very great header picture!

Ashley said...

How many blogs is this for you now? Hahaha. Only a true friend could say that, right? I am actually looking forward to what you have to say. You always make me laugh!

Jeannie said...

Awesome! I'm so excited to read it! Thanks for the compliment, that is so stinkin' nice. ~Jeannie
PS Great playlist, I love it!

Shara Parker Park said...

Nice Joey! Can't wait to read it.

Glenn Amber Evans said...

Yeah for you, I cant wait to hear what you have to say :)

Julie said...

I'm looking forward to it. I'm impressed by your rules-I could never follow them (at least the not blogging when the kids are awake. I'd never get to.)

Glenn Amber Evans said...

Did you start a new blog LOL